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Changes over time planning - Royal Family

Changes over time planning - Royal Family

Changes over time planning focusing on changes in time between the time of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth the second. Includes; transport, clothes, toys and writing letters to the Queen and celebrating the royal wedding. Planned for a year 1 class.
ear, air and igh

ear, air and igh

Smart notebook for teaching ear, air and igh trigraphs with alien words and pictures for the children to spell.
2 Weeks Planning on the Chocolate Monster

2 Weeks Planning on the Chocolate Monster

Two weeks planning on the Chocolate Monster by Pip Jones. Includes; two weeks planning, differentiated resources, smart notebook, powerpoint of the book and word mat. Covers grammar of using 'un' and making words plural.
Phase 5 Planning and resources

Phase 5 Planning and resources

Intensive phase 5 planning covering all sounds (apart from u-e) in 5 weeks. Includes planning, smart notebooks and pictures for each phonics words in a bag activity for each day. The format of each day is exactly the same but this has helped to ensure children's learning is focused in the sounds and has been highly effective in boosting our phonics scores!